BLTC在2009登记于马来西亚社团注册处(ROS No. PPM-048-14-04082009 )。 BLTC的活动是由执行委员会监督。每年的审计账目都会发送到马来西亚社团注册处。



BLTC is registered with the Registry of Societies of Malaysia in the year 2009 (ROS No. PPM-048-14-04082009). BLTC and its activities are managed byan Executive Committee. The audited accounts are submitted to the ROS annually.

Beacon Life Training Centre (BLTC) is a non-profit organization that provides Special Needs people with education, training in life skills and sheltered employment in future.

BLTC was set up in September 2008 to cater for children with learning disabilities and to provide moral and emotional support to their families.

我们提供的课程 Programme Offered 


We adopt Holistic approach which aims to integrate mind, body, emotions, and spirit in learning. (Miller, 2007)

七至十二岁 Age 7 – 12


The children are taught social, intellectual and independent living skills. We train our junior students in numbers and language, fine & gross motor skills, art and craft, puzzles solving and rhythmic movement.

十三至十七岁 Age 13 – 17


As the children grow into their teens, we emphasize on social etiquette and let them practise living skills. The programme includes teaching them practical living skills such as cooking and house cleaning.

十八岁以上 Age 18 and above

18岁以上的学生将获得庇护就业培训机会,目标是为他们的庇护性就业或是融入社会工作做好准备。 我们将寻找更多适合这个年龄层的就业机会,如:编织、包装、准备膳食和烘焙。

Students at this age are given job training opportunity, preparing them for sheltered employment or integrate them into the society. We will look for job opportunities that are suitable for this age group such as weaving, packing, meal preparation and baking.

愿景 Our Vision


Making a difference in the lives of Special Needs people

使命 Our Mission


Providing guidance in social etiquette, education, training in living skills and sheltered employment support

梦想 Our Dream


Set up sheltered workshops for those who are capable of handling job independently under supervision

执行委员Exco Members:

王美玲 Ong Bee Leng (主席Chairman)

陈永兴 Tan Eng Heng (副主席 Vice-Chairman)

陈丽霞 Zoey Chin (院长和秘书 Principal and Secretary)


Rejoice in Hope